JL RAW Handbags JL Raw Handbags

Order Confirmation

item description

shipping and availability


item price


diablo clutch

The Diablo Clutch - Black

In stock and ready to ship

Shipping: Standard

Delivery: 5-7 Business Days





Shopping Bag Totals

Shopping bag sub totals


Michigan sales tax 16.67%




Order total


Thank you for your purchase!

Your order number is: A5364859

An email confirmation was sent to: username@domain.com

Bill to:

Jennifer Robertson

927 21st Avenue E.

Seattle, Washington 98112

United States

jrob@gmail.com 206.213-5364

Payment Information:

credit card type: VISA

cardholder name: Jennifer C. Robertson

credit card number: **** **** **** 0697

expiration date: (09) - September - 2019

Ship to:

Jennifer Robertson

927 21st Avenue E.

Seattle, Washington 98112

United States

jrob@gmail.com 206.213-5364

Shipping Information:

ground shipping $9.95