Seattle Children's Hospital
As our primary sponsor and partner in the Seattle area for over 26 years, this world-class hospital and research center has demonstrated exceptional support of children and families through support of numerous classes and programs on many health topics. We are ever thankful for their continuing their partnership with out classes and talks.

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital - Stanford
After seeing our classes in 2003, Lucile Packard asked we bring the classes to the Bay Area and have been sponsoring and managing the classes there ever since. Their superb instructors have now taken the classes to several counties in the region, and our program has been a huge success thanks to the incredible support of the administration of LPCHS.

Peace Health
PeaceHealth is a not-for-profit health care system with medical centers, critical access hospitals, medical clinics and laboratories located in Alaska, Oregon and Washington. They have become our community sponsor for the very first Bellingham, WA, classes starting March, 2016. We are thrilled to be starting classes there and hope for a strong partnership to continue.

Annie Wright Schools
Since 2005, Annie Wright Schools has been our partner and host for classes at their school in north Tacoma. We are extremely grateful for their continued support in bringing these classes to the communities of south Puget Sound.

Central Oregon Pediatric Associates
For our first venture into the state of Oregon, COPA has been hugely supportive of our classes in Bend, Oregon, since April, 2013. With their superb coordination and hosting, it has become so popular that we are looking at twice yearly classes.

Doernbecher Children's Hospital
We are extremely happy that Doernbecher of Oregon Health Sciences University has teamed up with Legacy’s Randall Children’s to bring our classes to Portland, OR, for the first time ever in January of 2016. We are hopeful we can continue a successful partnership with them in the greater Portland area in the years to come.

Virginia Mason - Bainbridge Island Medical Center
Since 2002, we have been happy to offer the classes to the Bainbridge and greater Kitsap communities under the generous sponsorship of the Virginia Mason clinic in Winslow. The VM/BIMC staff have been steadfast in their support and great local partners for the classes.

Randall Children's Hospital - Legacy Emanuel
Our very first classes in Portland, OR, in January, 2016, were supported through the ground-breaking joint sponsorship by Randall and Doernbecher Hospitals. We look forward to working with Legacy Emanuel to continue these classes in their community.

Overlake Hospital Medical Center
Through their cooperation with Seattle Children’s Hospital, Overlake Hospital has been our supportive sponsor for classes in Bellevue, WA since 2011 and is our second most offered venue for classes. With their partnership, we are able to provide classes conveniently for the every-growing communities on the east side of Lake Washington.